Fatada Universitatii de Arhitectura Ion Mincu (La Fantana) 27, 28, 29 Martie 2008 ora 18.30 – 22.30
Partenerii acestei noi editii ROLL UP ART sunt :
Sponsori : 360 Revolution si Avrig 35
Parteneri: A.E.D.I. ( Anul European al Dialogului Intercultural), Galeria Mora, A.N.T.(Agentia Nationala de Tineret)
Parteneri Media: TimeOut, Ziarul Gandul, Revista Descopera, Bussines Magazin
ROLL UP ART a proiectat pe fatada Universitatii de Arhitectura "Ion Mincu" ("la fantana") peste 1000 de lucrari de arta contemporana realizate de artisti internationali. Dupa o prima editie, centrata pe arta contemporana romaneasca, ROLL UP ART a prezentat lucrari de arta din intreaga lume, pozitionand astfel arta romaneasca intr-un context international.Lucrari de pictura, sculptura, instalatie, fotografie, video, dans, realizate de peste 100 de artisti tineri si foarte tineri din Romania si din alte tari (ca Marea Britanie, Statele Unite, Suedia, Olanda, Irlanda, Serbia, Croatia, India) au fost prezentate publicului in aceste trei seri.
Prin evenimentele sale anuale, ROLL UP ART determina si intermediaza contactul publicului larg cu noile tendinte în arta, schimband mereu perspectivele vizuale si familiarizand publicul cu acestea. ROLL UP ART desfiinteaza barierele dintre galeriile de arta - spatii expozitionale clasice, care in general sufera de o lipsa acuta de vizitatori - si spatiul public - un spatiu deschis si dinamic si creeaza o punte de legatura intre artist si public. ROLL UP ART este primul eveniment al programului I LOVE BUCHAREST in acest An European al Dialogului Intercultural. Vor urma si altele, proiecte si evenimente in care artisti romani si europeni interactioneaza cu publicul si lucreaza impreuna pentru realizarea unor interventii artistice in spatiul public bucurestean. http://www.roll-up-art.blogspot.com/
The first year of ROLL UP ART concentrated on Romanian artists and their work. This year the project is offering opportunities for international artists to exhibit their work. There will also be a new section for the younger artists called “New Entries”, ROLL UP ART will be using a façade of the University of Architecture building.Projections are made on a 6m / 9m canvas screenplaced on the façade of the University of Architecture building(“La Fantana” / “At the fountain”)Roll Up Art event will take place in 27,28,29 March 2008at sunset time (18,18.30)till late in the evening (22.30)
ROLL UP ART is part of the I LOVE BUCHAREST public and community art programme.Through its annual events,
ROLL UP ART aims to get the public in touch with new tendencies in arts and to familiarize the public with its constantly changing visual perspectives.The project aims to dissolve the boundaries between traditional art galleries (closed spaces with few and mainly very specialised visitors) and public space, an open and very dynamic one.
ROLL UP ART is a project dedicated to the artists, who lack media coverage or they are very poorly sustained by the institutions or by the community in continuing their own work.
ROLL UP ART is also a platform for the artists to share their work with the public.Last year, for 4 evenings, hundreds of visual artworks, mainly Romanian, were projected on a big canvas positioned on the facade of the National Theatre in Bucharest, in a central and very busy area. For this year’s edition we enlarge the artistic scope by inviting artists from all over the world to show their work in a similar context. This will bring a benefit of both the artists and the public.